Monday, November 12, 2012

Art with Mr. E.......

  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this project!  Mr. E, an art teacher in Tennessee, is where I stole this idea!  I actually found it on Pinterest!  We had been studying optical art, and made a radial art project already (which I will post later), and I came across this!!  Students start the project by drawing a wavy line across the middle of the paper.  They then place 5-8 dots on the line spacing some closer together and others further apart.  Starting on the top, connect the dots in a arch, and then connect the ones on the bottom.  Continuing doing this until your have connected them all or "stopped" some and continued others through.  Click on the Mr. E at the top of this blog to go to the full directions!  The end products are AMAZING - just see!

A close up view of a few of the projects.......

This is something that I would do year after year - the kids LOVED it as much as I did.  Once they get going on it - it's quite easy!  I even let them do it in SHARPIE - which is usually a NO NO for me!  I am QUEEN of pencil - but it was a LOT to have to trace at the end and they worked VERY carefully!!

Happy Monday Night Everyone -  I have some MORE great ones to share tomorrow:)


  1. Super fun! :) Glad the project worked well for you!

    1. It DID! When I first saw it I thought there is NO way that the kids' will turn out like the ones you showed but THEY DID:)!! It was MANY of their favorite art lessons that we did:)!
